Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The weather. Is. Excruciating. My love for ice cream deepens as the temperature escalates upward. But my stomach chose to be lactose intolerant. Oh, heat how I loathe thee.

Speaking of weather and heat, remember that show Gungrave? To put it simply, it's an anime mash-up of Godfather, Desperado and Terminator.
It has been bothering me why they named the lead character Brandon Heat. That guy who died and rose up from the dead through technological and scientific necromancy to pursue his revenge to those who wronged him. 

Yeah, that guy.  

Anyone remembered The Crow from 1994? If yes, maybe some of you noticed some creepy similarity between the two.

If not let me give some light.

okay... maybe not.

The Crow stars the lead actor Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee's son, pictured on the left) who played Eric Draven. His character died (both in reel and real life). He was then resurrected by The Crow, the paranormal creature who raises people from the grave whether by their strong need to get revenge or their desire to claim justice. Eric after being resurrected become somewhat immortal as long as the Crow lives.

Damn good show I'd say.

And sharing the same first name? Coincidence? 

Sounds like a tribute to me.

 Brandon Heat: Oh, hey, ladies.

Gungrave is being compared to other anime such as Trigun and Hellsing due to its affinity with GUNS.

The troubling question for the day now is:

Whose gun is bigger from the aforementioned anime series?

Is it
a.) Brandon Heat's Cerberus
b.) Vash the Stampede's Modified .45 Caliber Mateba AutoRevolver, or
c.) Alucard's Jackal

Heath Ledger as Joker . . . waitaminute.

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